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5 Ways to Avoid Getting Rotten Teeth or Dental Cavity or Tooth decay

Rotten teeth are teeth that are infected leading to the process of decaying and gradual inflammation of surrounding tissues. This condition can also be called Tooth decay, Dental Cavity, or Dental caries. When a tooth gets infected by bacteria in the mouth, the process of tooth decay starts leading to the formation of holes in the tooth. So regularly visiting the best dental clinic in India is the best option to prevent the formation of caries.

Why do teeth get infected? What plays an important role in causing cavities? Every question has a common answer. Sugars! Yes, It is the sugar content in foods or drinks that we take that causes cavities to form.

Over time, with repeated attacks of acids, the enamel becomes weaker and gets destroyed forming a cavity. If a cavity forms in a tooth, it becomes permanent damage and needs a dentist to fill it. Visit the best dentist in India to know all the details regarding dental cavities and how to prevent them.

Ways to avoid Rotten tooth

The best part of cavities is that they can be prevented and also reversed if we can find it out at the early stages of damaging the enamel. Enamel is the strongest and most protective outer layer which can repair itself up to a certain extent. The best ways to avoid Rotten teeth are:

➢ Use of fluoride: We can get fluoride by drinking fluoridated water It is available in dental products like Fluoride toothpaste, mouth rinse, or gels. Fluoride helps in preventing the loss of minerals in the enamel of the tooth and also replaces lost minerals. It also reduces the ability of bacteria to produce acids that damage enamel. It can prevent, reverse or stop the process of decaying if given in the early stages. But, getting advice from a professional as the excessive intake of fluoride can cause adverse effects. Also getting Teeth fluoride treatment in India from a professional helps in the initial stages of life and can prevent caries.

➢ Hydration: Being hydrated helps in the production of adequate saliva in the mouth. Saliva is the natural cleanser of the mouth. It helps in rinsing teeth, breaking down the plaque, and removing it. Saliva can also help in fighting acid attacks and prevent caries.

➢ Diet: As we said before, Sugars damage teeth. Hence a proper diet with low sugar content, avoiding sticky and chewy foods containing starch such as bread and dry fruits, etc., and avoiding citrus foods because of the acidic nature that damages the enamel.

➢ Oral hygiene: Oral hygiene always plays a crucial role in maintaining good oral health. Brushing twice daily, regular flossing, and brushing without damaging enamel can help in preventing Cavities.

➢ Dental checkup: Regular dental checkups are recommended to prevent any dental problems and attain complete oral hygiene. Dentists can remove plaques from places where the toothbrush doesn’t normally reach them. This can help us prevent rotten teeth from ever happening. Also, immediately visit the best endodontist in India if you have doubts about caries, as they can be treated during the initial stages of formation.

FAQs about Rotting Teeth

1.Can I save my rotting teeth naturally?

No, once the cavity is formed, exposing the inner layers of the tooth, dental intervention is the only way to save the rotten tooth. Although, it is helpful to follow oral hygiene measures like brushing twice daily, flossing once daily, or maintaining a diet avoiding sugars and other foods which promote cavities.

2.How long do rotten teeth last?

The rotten teeth can last from days to months depending on the severity of the cavity. Initially, there may not be any symptoms, but once they start invading the inner layers of the tooth, symptoms such as pain, and swelling of the gums can occur if the treatment is neglected.

3.Can I leave the rotten tooth without getting treatment?

No, cavities start on the outer layer of the tooth and spread to the inner layers over time. So, it is better to get treatment as soon as possible to avoid further damage. Also, if it’s not treated earliest, the infection in the teeth can reach other organs such as the brain through blood which can be life-threatening.